This depressing room is what it looks like to have your walls painted.

No light! (the 2 buckets are there to catch leaks from the ceiling… another story…)

They paint all the windows with a resist… whatever that is, that peals off later like bubble gum skin… The paint goes everywhere BY SPRAY… I pealed off the lower windows myself, just to get some light in after they left.

The other thing you notice is all the electrical outlets, and window locks had to be removed, prior to painting, and the plugs taped over.  All the outlets had to be screwed in, to pass the electrical inspection, then removed to the the painting done… a lot of mindless work like this.

Someone put all the window locks in a paper bag, and of course it got thrown away some how… and we had to buy all new ones again….so the rule is NEVER put stuff in paper bags… people think it is trash…

Besides being dark, there is no AC turned on…so it is hot sweaty work.

One time I came home, and the guys were in their boxers painting walls…I couldn’t tell boxers from shorts in those days… but their obvious embarrassment said boxers. I kinda left the room pretty fast, and said nothing…they were such young boys, and I was an old old lady.

One time a painter painted a bathroom BROWN… BROWN?  I called up my contractor and screamed NO ONE paints their bathroom shit brown, or pee yellow…just a rule.  Sure the adjacent bedroom was brown (husbands choice color.. huh) but NOT the bathroom…that was white… well White Dove, of course.

Part of watching the job EVERYDAY… you just have no idea what gets lost in translation.

The other part of painting is they hate dirt and dust.

So all wood cutting must end… so the trades get into bitter fights… the painters are on the low end of totem pole, and the “big workers” are the bullies… that make messes in their space… Oh, the fights!

Because painters spend 50% of their time prepping, cleaning, taping off wood, … a drudgery in a pig sty of a house under construction … so the feud happens… and they hate each from prior feuds at prior houses they worked on together… the “big trades” laughing at the little trades.. the painter…. bullies.. 

But, once it is over, the paint makes the house really, really look good.


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