Somethings just fall in the cracks… they are no ones job….this falls in the “punch list”

This happens after 12 to 24 months of chaos…at this point, you just want the people gone, and they want to be gone. Toward the end, NOBODY cares any more.. . They all just want out, and you want them out.

And yet…it takes a lot of care & diligence to attack these “small” things.

So, create this punch list early, while the guys are waiting for the inspectors, they can attack them.  

Of my list of 60 things, 30 got done, and then we both just said STOP… we couldn’t stand the sight or sound of each other any more… (keeping it real… 100% now.. ) 

Remember, once your contractor is done, your house will begin the slow steady deterioration, …entropy…

But at this point, you will not have to hire people to fix every little thing… or do it yourself…

Punch List

Nail holes in siding….As you nail in siding the holes EACH nail makes, has to be filled in. This is a mind numbing job, in extremely high, awkward places. (think scaffolding 40 feet high). Stopped at doing only the places that could be reached without fear of death.  It was treated as a punishment job for someone.

Left over piles of wood, trash, tiles

Bits of old wood footing, not removed around the carport from the pour 9 months ago.

Missing shoe molding, all over the place

more random nail holes in siding…..What were they doing? clearing their guns?

rusty paint cans on new tiles

paint on transoms..this is a nightmare to remove out of cracks.

paint splatter on sockets.. ah, who’s going to see? 

in closet corners

Gaps in ceiling for birds and critters to nest in.

broken or odd window locks

Srange cement nails

no paint in closet ceilings

This is a fine hotel in Boston.

Interesting use of pure white trim and ceiling, signaling “extra clean” with the subdued off white and baby blue walls, softening what could be dangerously sterile, cold room.

The pure white lampshades are also signs that say “nice clean room”

…which is what you want in a hotel….or even your house, if lucky.

The bed is in a small nook, an effort at prospect and refuge, in a  “every inch counts” space allocation.