Right house, wrong location.
The worst design error is not fitting the house to the site… a house designed for a corner lot, plopped down by a next door
Here is an easy thing to “not see”.
You know how all the plumbing comes up thru the floor of your kitchen and bathroom? Well, there is a LOT of space between the pipe, and the floor.
If I were a mouse, or ant or cockroach… this would be called a door.
Make sure the guys at least put some foam here!
Contractor short cut #55. When laying out hardwood, they say, “you don’t want the hardwood floors to go under the cabinets do you? No one will see it there.” said with pleading eyes…
Yes, I have been asked… no I didn’t fall for it….but I almost did.
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OK, you go to “the dishwasher store” Lowes, Home Depot, whatever…and they are all nicely RAISED, PRESENTED UP to you…. looks all well and good.
Then you get it installed, and it is 3 inches from the floor. WTF?
Bait and Switch all over the place!!!!
This is my biggest, hugest, most astonishing flaw in a kitchen.
Dirty Low-down dishwashers.
A higher dishwasher:
Easier to load and unload.
You can put a drawer under it, a secret drawer for all the manuals you never read, or your cash…who will look UNDER the dishwasher!
Raising the DW, gives you a splash free zone, right by the kitchen sink… water does not splash that high…. so, you can make sandwiches up there, and things stay clean. Make a little water fall quartz thing here just for fun.
Rule.. do not put a cabinet of dishes above the dishwasher….(you cannot put dishes away, if the dishwasher is open….duh….0)
This is another HVAC job, that has nothing to do with your AC or Heat. He connects your hood to the 4 inch diameter tubing that snakes out to fresh air.
I hate the noise of these things.
I hate the smells of cooking actually… bums out the house, instead of livening It up.
My “work around” is a toaster oven and slow cookers right outdoors… winter and summer.
A great house design would be one that enabled cooking bacon and onions outdoors out on the deck? Just a dream idea to work on later.
One reason I love having an elevator and stairs outside of the house, is the entire upstairs never has the cloud of cooking up there, the film of spaghetti everywhere… the 2nd floor just feels new and clean and fresh. Just me.
Think of this when you add a grand staircase to your house, or have that long balcony above your living room.. it just lets the kitchen smells waft everywhere… hum.
Need I say more?
You can unload all your groceries on the space of a 2×4 or 2×6.
Nothing is hidden, behind something.
Shallow shelves are the best!
I moved around a lot, and never wanted to put holes in walls, so I created many floor to ceiling shelves with 2×6 lumber, in random sizes.
The shelves I use in my latest kitchen is only 5.5 inches deep, right at the passage of a door, but does not interrupt the traffic flow here.
If I have it, I can see it.
Here is the process of building it.
The worst design error is not fitting the house to the site… a house designed for a corner lot, plopped down by a next door
It’s always fun to see before/after shots. Skeleton of living room wall, and final look.
DO NOT USE Elementor to create actual blog pages… Use it to make a TEMPLATE…for all your pages….. you use WP to add in your
I never heard of the word shower niche, till I rebuilt my bathroom. I couldn’t spell it or say it. Just an odd word, the
stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff goes here stuff
Longest Halls that I like MuseumsX MIT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
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